
We’re pleased to announce that the Adopt-A-Trail program is back!

With over 30 miles of trails in our network, it’s a challenge for our maintenance team to keep up.  The Adopt-A-Trail  program allows groups and individuals to adopt two-mile segments of our trail and perform periodic light maintenance. They also serve as our eyes and ears to let us know about things that need attention such as fallen trees, clogged culverts, low hanging branches and washouts.

We ask that volunteers perform at least two clean-ups each year as follows:

* Remove any debris or deposits that may disrupt the flow of culverts and drainage ditches, and perform a litter cleanup by June 1st

* Perform a fall litter cleanup by November 1st

And of course if you see something that looks like it needs attention, please let us know!

To adopt a two-mile section,  email us at

[email protected]

*** As of March 2022  all sections our currently adopted.