About Us


The Tricounty Rails to Trails Association was founded in 1992 by two pioneers of rail-trail development in our western Pennsylvania region, George Miller from Brockway and Dave Love from Ridgway.

These two men sparked the idea of transforming an 18-mile railroad right of way that traversed Elk and Jefferson Counties into the beautiful Clarion-Little Toby Rail Trail, a lovely riverside trail completed in 2003. 

We are also working on a new project, the Five Bridges Trail, that starts just outside of Brockway, and heads south towards Brookville. A delightful wetlands trail brimming with wildlife, this trail has the potential of connecting to the Redbank Valley Trails and on to Pittsburgh!

Our Board of Directors consists of up to twelve volunteer directors from Elk, Clearfield and Jefferson counties. Meeting once a month, our group is responsible for ensuring the maintenance and safety of the trails under their care. In addition, we have many devoted volunteers who help us keep the trail “safe and sound”. We always appreciate more!

Contact Info

Tricounty Rails to Trails
PO Box 115
Ridgway PA 15853

EMAIL:  [email protected]

PHONE: 814-335-0374

2023 Board Members

Aimee Kemick, President
Jane Bryndel, Vice-President
Jason Senior, Treasurer
Vacancy, Secretary

Paul Boboige

Tim Grieneisen
Olivia Horning
Bob Imhof
Dave Mader
Nick Mitcheltree 
David Pontzer

David Rindosh
Diana Wolfe
Bev Yates

Monthly Board Meetings

When: Third Tuesday of each month


Elk County Office of Emergency Services
North Central Office Complex
49 Ridgmont Drive
Ridgway, Pennsylvania 15853

Time: 7 p.m.

All board meetings are open to the public.

Clarion-Little Toby Trail

This scenic trail runs along the Clarion River and Little Toby Creek on the former Ridgway and Clearfield branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad. There are two main trailheads with parking, in Ridgway and Brockway

Five Bridges Trail

In 2008 Tricounty Rails to Trails acquired the right-of-way for the Five Bridges Trail, which uses a portion of the former Shawmut and Pittsburgh Railroad corridor which ran from Brockway to Brookville. It starts out with several narrow cuts through shale hillsides and then it traverses a low swampy area as it runs along Mill Creek and crosses it with five bridges.

Wolf Run Trail

The Wolf Run Trail runs 4.2 miles beginning just north of Dubois, ending 3 miles south of Brockway onto State Route 219. Owned by Washington Township, this trail is a major section of a proposed trail extending from the Clarion-Little Toby Brockway trailhead, to the city of DuBois.